Arora, A., Furlong, P.M., Fitch, R., Sukkarieh, S., Fong, T., Multi-Modal Active Perception for Information Gathering in Science Missions, Autonomous Robots (2019)
McGuire, S., Furlong, P. M., Fong, T., Heckman, C., Szafir, D., Julier, S. J., & Ahmed, N. Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes: Validation of Adaptive Recovery in Robotic Space Operations, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(2), 1216-1223, (2019).
McGuire, S., Furlong, P.M., Heckman, C., Julier, S., Szafir, D., & Ahmed, N. Failure is Not an Option: Policy Learning for Adaptive Recovery in Space Operations, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(3), 1639-1646, (k2018).
Joachim, G, Furlong, P.M., Kroger, K.L., Kahn, M., Hunt, L.T., Behrens, T.E.J., Dissociable contributions of ventromedial prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex to value-guided choice, NeuroImage 100 (2014): 498-506
Conferences - Papers
Fang, E., Furlong, P.M., Whittaker, R., TRN Belief Space Planning, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019
Allan, M, Wong, U., Furlong, P.M., Welsh, T., Chen, I., Peters, S., Gerkey, B., Quigley, M., Shirley, M., Deans, M., Cannon, H., Fong, T., Planetary Rover Simulation for Lunar Exploration Missions IEEE Aerospace 2018
Arora, A., Furlong P.M., Wong, U., Fong, T., Sampling-based Descent Trajectory Planning and Autonomous Landing Site Selection for Icy Moon Lander Missions, i-SAIRAS 2018
Davé, A., Wilhelm, M., Stucky, T., Furlong, M.P., Bywaters, K., Glass, B., Bergman, D. and Rask, J., What the Atacama Can Tell Us About Subsurface Mars. Earth and Space, p.369, 2018.
Arora, A., Furlong, P.M., Fitch, R., Fong, T., Sukkarieh, S., Elphic, R. Online Multi-Modal Learning and Adaptive Informative Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Exploration Field and Service Robotics, 2017
Arora, A., Furlong, P.M., Wong, U., Fong, T., Sukkarieh, S., Multi-modal Active Perception for Autonomously Selecting Landing Sites on Icy Moons, AIAA Space, 2017
Furlong, P.M., Dille, M., Wong, U., Nefian, A. Safeguarding Lunar Rovers with Wald’s Sequential Probability Ratio Test International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2016.
Thompson, D.R., Wettergreen, D.S., Foil, G., Furlong, P.M., Kiran, R. Spatio-spectral exploration combining in situ and remote measurements, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Furlong, P.M., Wettergreen, D., Budgeting Samples for Exploration in Unknown Environments, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS), 2014
Furlong, P.M., Wettergreen, D. Sequential Allocation of Sampling Budgets in Unknown Environments, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2014
Matikainen, P., Furlong, P.M., Sukthankar, R., Hebert, M., Multi-armed Recommendation Bandits for Generating State Machine Policies for Robotic Systems, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2013
Thompson, D.R., Cabrol, N., Furlong, P.M., Hardgrove, C., Hsiang Low, B.K., Moersch, J., Wettergreen, D.S., Adaptive Sampling of Time Series for Remote Exploration, International Conference of Robotics and Automation, 2013
Furlong, P.M., Howard, T., Wettergreen, D., Model Predictive Control for Mobile Robots with Actively Reconfigurable Chassis, Field and Service Robotics, 2010, pp469-478, Springer
Furlong, M., Heys, H., A timing attack on the CIKS-1 block cipher, IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2005. pp231-234.
Conferences - Posters
Flynn, D., Furlong, P.M, Coltin, B., Search Tree Pruning for Progressive Neural Architecture Search, AAAI-20, Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial, Intelligence,
Campbell, R.G., Coltin,B., Furlong, P.M., Feature Learning for Multispectral Satellite Imagery Classification using Neural Architecture Search, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019
Carter, E., Dobbs, K., Sleeter, R., Jones, J.W., Coltin, B., McMichael, S., Furlong, P.M., Stock, J.D., and Eggleston, J., Automatic satellite-based flood mapping for disaster response, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019
Stucky, T., Koehne, J.E., Furlong, P.M., Mauro, D., Schramm, A., Gentry, D., Statistical Classification of Life Detection Data: Combinatorial Biosignatures and Mission Evaluation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019
Wilhelm, M.B., Ricco, A.J., Oehler, D.Z., Komatsu, G., Rodriguez, A. P., Furlong, P.M., Buckner, D., Blank, J.G., Ditzler, M.A., Mahaffy, P.R., Eigenbrode, J.L., Southard, A.E., Nuevo, M., Sobron, P., Nawaz, A., Eshelman, E.J., Koehne, J.E., Williams, R.H., Des Marais, D., Fong, T., Mauro, D., Bookbinder, J., Abzu: A Mission to Uncover the Origin of Organic Material on Mars, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019
Gunesakara, O., Wong, U., Furlong, P.M., Dille, M., Aerial Vehicles to Detect Maximum Volume of Plume Material Associated with Habitable Areas in Extreme Environments, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 33rd Conference, 2017
Unrefereed Publications
Furlong, P.M., Coltin, B., Statistical Methods are Foundational to Reproducability, Workshop on Taking Reproducible Research in Robotics into the Mainstream, ICRA 2019
Gonzalez Felício, M., Furlong, P.M., Dille, M., Wong, U, Fusion of visible and thermal-infrared imagery for SLAM for landing on icy moons, NASA/TM-2019-220241
Furlong, P.M., Adaptive Sample Selection for Automated Hypothesis Falsification, Workshop, AAAI 2017
McGuire, S., Furlong, P.M., Heckman, C., Julier, S., Szafir, D., Ahmed, N. Teamwork Across the Stars: Machine Learning to Overcome the Brittleness of Autonomy Workshop IROS 2016
Furlong, P.M., Dille, M. Change Detection for Automated Science Exploration NASA/TM-2016-219377
Furlong, P.M., Dille, M. Productive Information Foraging NASA/TM-2016-219376 Wettergreen, D., Foil, G., Furlong, M., & Thompson, D. R. (2014). Science autonomy for rover subsurface exploration of the Atacama desert. AI Magazine, Winter 2014.
Furlong, M., Advanced Autonomy AUVs, Journal of Ocean Technology, July-October, 2010, Volume 5, Number 3
- Furlong, P.M., Foraging, Prospecting, and Falsification: Improving Three Aspects of Science Autonomy, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University (2018)
- Desnoyer, Mark, Sophie Lebrecht, Sunil Mallya, DeBorah Johnson, Padraig Michael Furlong, Michael J. Tarr, Nicholas Paul Dufour, and David Henry Lea. Selecting a high valence representative image. U.S. Patent 9,715,731, issued July 25, 2017.